VIKOGA is a process of self-cultivation. It is an acronym for Virtual Intelligent Kinesthetically Oriented Geometric Articulation.
A human being is a terrestrial biological entity with a composite body, mind, and spirit. Thus, VIKOGA jointly refines and trains the body, mind, and “spirit” together. Our baseline utility model is the ubiquitous Wing Chun Kungfu system.
Since we have certain unique and exclusive VIKOGA features in our martial arts, we distinguish our Wing Chun as Wing Chun # (pronounced as sharp as in the musical scale symbol).
This distinction makes it easier for the Wing Chun students, practitioners and teachers to understand, practice and promote the system. We respect the diversity in the martial arts community, and we extend our friendship to you all.
Wing Chun has brought a lot of excitement to the martial arts world with its nature and technology. The recent glamorisation of the system through movies has contributed significantly to its promotion on a never-before-experienced scale. We celebrate this trend and hope to provide valuable input from our Wing Chun system.
VIKOGA Wing Chun has some unique core concepts and principles.
These include:
– Using “Intent” to mobilise movements.
– Having a defined Self-Safety-Space.
– Treating techniques as dynamic body structures.
– Incorporating ergonomics to enhance and streamline the system.
Wing Chun stands as a refreshingly unique approach to protecting yourself. We hope you can join us in this journey of self-discovery.